Soft but at the same time playful melody. You can imagine a pastoral scene, a big bright room in a Victorian style house. The room is huge and white with big windows, there is so much natural light in the room. All the windows are open and the summer air is filling the room. An older lady is playing the piano and the young girl is dancing joyfully and playfully to the tune. It is a mixture of a ballet and classic dance. Her dance is so innocent and childlike but full of passion. She is daydreaming of her lover and wishes she could be dancing with him. But she feels happy because she knows he will come back soon and they would be together again

这是一首柔和的钢琴曲,同时又有略带俏皮的旋律。 你可以想象一个田园风光,一个维多利亚风格的房子里一个明亮的大房间。 房间很大,白色,有大窗户,房间里有充足的阳光。 所有的窗户都打开了,夏天的空气充满了整个房间。 一位年长的女士正在弹钢琴,另一位年轻的女孩正在快乐地跳舞。 她的舞蹈融合了芭蕾舞和经典舞蹈,看上去是如此纯真和童趣又充满了激情。 她正在思念着她的爱人,并希望她能和他一起跳舞。 此时的她感到很高兴,因为她知道他很快就会回来,他们会再次相聚

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时长 84
BPM 125
循环 No