Very emotional, gentle but at the same time such a passionate melody. An older couple is sitting in their living room; the fire is crackling in the fireplace, a dog and a cat are dozing off. The older man is playing the piano and she is reading a book. The whole room is filled with warm yellow light and it’s very cozy. For a moment, he stops playing the piano and he plays the record with their favorite piano music. He asks his lady for a dance. She giggles like a school girl and they start dancing. It is beautiful and sad at the same time. They are old; this could be their last dance. They put all their memories and love into that dance. They dance like there is no tomorrow. When the music finishes, he takes her by her hand and they slowly go upstairs leaning on each other.

非常情绪化,温柔但同时又如此充满激情的旋律。 一对老夫妻正坐在客厅里; 火在壁炉里噼啪作响,一只狗和一只猫正在打瞌睡。 年长的男人正在弹钢琴,她正在读书。 整个房间充满了温暖的黄色灯光,非常舒适。 有一会儿,他停止弹钢琴,用自己喜欢的钢琴音乐演奏唱片。 他要求他的女士跳舞。 她像个女学生一样咯咯地笑,然后开始跳舞。 它既美丽又悲伤。 他们老了; 这可能是他们的最后一支舞。 他们将所有的回忆和爱情都投入到舞蹈中。 他们跳舞就像没有明天一样。 当音乐结束时,他用手抓住她,然后慢慢地上楼靠在一起。

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时长 95
循环 No