Calming and gentle melody. A girl is standing in the middle of the green field. She is wearing a long loose light dress and has a daisy hair band. It is a big open space. The spring is here, everything is slowly coming back to life, everything is being awakened, the nature is lush and green, colorful flowers are everywhere. The girl is spinning around in the field, with her arms widely spread, her eyes closed and her face turned towards the warm sun. She is absorbing the first rays of sunshine and feels so blessed to experience the beauty of spring. Somewhere in the distance, you can hear the sound of the stream running through the forest.

平静而温柔的旋律。 一个女孩站在绿色的田野中间。 她穿着宽松的浅色连衣裙,有一个雏菊发带。 这是一个很大的开放空间。 春天来了,一切都在慢慢恢复生机,一切都被唤醒,大自然是郁郁葱葱的绿色,到处都是五彩缤纷的花朵。 这个女孩在田野里旋转,双臂张开,双眼紧闭,脸转向温暖的阳光。 她正在吸收第一缕阳光,感受到如此幸运,体验春天的美丽。 在远处的某个地方,您可以听到溪流穿过森林的声音。

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时长 104
循环 No