A catchy and jolly tune from a kids’ cartoon, the group of colorful little creatures is exploring the world around them together. They have many adventures and together explore their surroundings. They are having fun and are there for each other. They are hugging and kissing and laughing when they complete some task successfully. The sun is shining and everything is so vibrant and positive.

从孩子们的卡通片中可以看到一个吸引人的,快乐的曲调,这群色彩缤纷的小动物正在一起探索周围的世界。 他们有许多冒险经历,一起探索周围的环境。 他们很开心,互相帮助。 当他们成功完成某项任务时,他们会拥抱,亲吻和大笑。 阳光灿烂,一切都充满活力和积极。

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时长 100
BPM 100
循环 No