This old school royalty free driving music track is absolutely perfect for decorating your exciting videos with positive and high spirits! Driven by strong guitar riffs, pumping bass lines, loud and empowering male and female vocal shouts and a groovy drum beat with percussion, it will amplify your future sport projects and events, video games, commercials, promos and you tube contents with raw power and more uplifting energy! Enjoy it right now and you won’t regret it! Have fun with this one!

这个老式的驾驶音乐曲目非常适合用激动人心的精神装饰您精彩的视频! 在强劲的吉他即兴演奏,低音线条,铿锵有力的男声和女声呐喊以及打击乐器的常规鼓声的推动下,它将放大您未来的体育项目和活动,视频游戏,商业广告,宣传片以及您用原始力量管内容 更令人振奋的能量! 现在享受它,你不会后悔! 玩这个玩得开心!

您可点击 下载 按钮下载试听版,选定音乐后,可通过搜索数字ID或文件名1230503Preview.mp3找到该产品。

时长 89
BPM 85
循环 No