Franz Peter Schubert was an Austrian composer of the late Classical and early Romantic eras. Despite his short lifetime, Schubert left behind a vast oeuvre, including more than 600 secular vocal works (mainly Lieder), seven complete symphonies, sacred music, operas, incidental music and a large body of piano and chamber music. His major works include the Piano Quintet in A major, D. 667 (Trout Quintet), the Symphony No. 8 in B minor, D. 759 (Unfinished Symphony), the three last piano sonatas (D. 958–960), the opera Fierrabras (D. 796), the incidental music to the play Rosamunde (D. 797), and the song cycles Die schne Müllerin (D. 795) and Winterreise (D. 911).

弗朗茨彼得舒伯特是奥地利古典和早期浪漫时代的作曲家。 尽管他的生命短暂,舒伯特留下了一个巨大的作品,包括超过600个世俗声乐作品(主要是Lieder),七个完整的交响乐,神圣的音乐,歌剧,偶然的音乐和大量的钢琴和室内乐。 他的主要作品包括A大调钢琴五重奏,D。667(特劳特五重奏),B小调第8交响曲,D。759(未完成的交响乐),最后三首钢琴奏鸣曲(D. 958-960), 歌剧Fierrabras(D。796),剧本Rosamunde(D。797)的附带音乐,歌曲循环Diesch?neMüllerin(D。795)和Winterreise(D。911)。

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时长 133
BPM 200
循环 No