Fashion House Music – music of a joyful electric guitar, groovy, upbeat, rhythmic percussion, and uplifting keyboard sound. An excellent choice for fashion projects, tutorials, and videos. Such a music played during a presentation or an advertisement gives you an excellent opportunity to touch the listener’s emotions, to trigger their positive feelings. Thus, you can easily appeal to the audience and make them remember and like your product. Moreover, people tend to remember things that evoke bright feelings in them, so the memory about your very product will last longer.

时尚的House音乐 – 快乐电吉他的音乐,时髦,乐观,有节奏的打击乐和令人振奋的键盘声。 时尚项目,教程和视频的绝佳选择。 在演示或广告期间播放的这种音乐为您提供了触动听众情绪,触发其积极情感的绝佳机会。 因此,您可以轻松地吸引观众,让他们记住并喜欢您的产品。 此外,人们往往会记住引起他们感受的事物,因此关于你的产品的记忆会持续更长时间。

您可点击 下载 按钮下载试听版,选定音乐后,可通过搜索数字ID或文件名1135667Preview.mp3找到该产品。

时长 248
BPM 100
循环 No