A confident corporate piece with forward goals of hope with happy guitars. This can be an individual inspiring and motivational drive for the future. Someone is optimistic and positive progression to success while being proud. If you need an upbeat and uplifting background for your perfect advertising then this is it. It is a bouncy business fresh vibe with hope and inspiration. Motivating, powerful, driving and inspiring pop track for promotional and stylish upbeat youtube videos, corporate media, presentations, etc. Featuring deep piano, muted electric guitar, harmonics, bass, drums, pads, percussion, synth and other electronic elements.

一个自信,希望与快乐的企业音乐。 这可以成为未来个人鼓舞人心和激励的动力。 有些人在自豪的同时乐观而积极地向成功发展。 如果你需要一个乐观和令人振奋的广告背景音乐,那就是它。 这是一个充满希望,振奋人心,充满活力氛围的商业音乐。 激励,强大和鼓舞人心的流行音乐轨道适合促销和时尚乐观的视频,企业媒体,演示文稿等。特色是钢琴,静音电吉他,谐波,贝斯,鼓,垫,打击乐器,合成器和其他电子元素。

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时长 128
BPM 116
循环 No