The Waltz in C-sharp minor is the second work of Chopin’s opus 64 and the companion to the Minute Waltz (Op. 64, No. 1). It was composed in 1847. Chopin dedicated this Waltz to Madame Nathaniel de Rothschild. he Waltz in C-sharp minor is the second work of Chopin’s opus 64 and the companion to the Minute Waltz (Op. 64, No. 1). It was composed in 1847. Chopin dedicated this Waltz to Madame Nathaniel de Rothschild.
It consists of three main themes:
Theme A tempo giusto chordal with a walking pace feel;
Theme B più mosso (faster) theme stated in running eighth notes, with all harmony in the left hand.
Theme C più lento (slower) a sostenuto in the parallel key of Co& minor (D-flat major, enharmonic equivalent to C-sharp major). Besides the slower general pace, the melody is in quarter notes except for a few flourishes in eighth notes, giving this section the quality of an interlude before the dramatic restatement of Theme B
升C小调圆舞曲是肖邦作品64的第二部作品,也是Minute Waltz的伴奏(Op.64,No.1)。 它创作于1847年。肖邦将这首华尔兹献给纳撒尼尔·德·罗斯柴尔德夫人。 他在C-sharp minor中的华尔兹是肖邦作品64的第二部作品,也是Minute Waltz的伴奏(Op.64,No.1)。 它创作于1847年。肖邦将这首华尔兹献给纳撒尼尔·德·罗斯柴尔德夫人。
主题一种节奏的giusto chordal,具有步行的节奏感;

主题Cpiùlenoo(慢)在Co&minor(D-flat major,conharmonic相当于C-sharp major)的并行键中的延音。 除了较慢的一般速度之外,旋律是四分音符,除了八分音符中的一些繁荣,给予这部分在主题B的戏剧性重述之前的插曲的质量

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