Piano solo composition. The music is leaded by a piano and cello with a slow and marked rhythm with low notes. The mood is strange, annoying and it has a touch of suspense and tension. It also has some melancholic and depressive feelings.
Very good for dark scenes in films and tv series. Also for reports and docs in dramatic situations.
钢琴独奏作曲。 音乐以钢琴和大提琴为主音,节奏缓慢又明显。 心情很奇怪,烦人,有一丝悬念和紧张。 它也有一些忧郁和抑郁的感觉。
非常适合电影和电视剧中的黑暗场景。 也适用于戏剧性情况下的报告和文档。

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时长 41
BPM 70
循环 No