Instrumental track composed for piano and little strings instruments like violin and ukelele. The music is nice, soothing and relaxing. the rhythm is slow and describes a very soothing situation with a scene of a child going to sleep. At first the composition is started by the piano and later the other instruments are progressively incorporated. The style is very near to Lullaby song.
由钢琴和小弦乐器组成的音乐,如小提琴和尤克里里。 音乐很好,舒缓和放松。 节奏很慢,描述了一个非常舒缓的情况,一个孩子睡觉的场景。 首先,钢琴启动合成,然后逐渐合并其他乐器。 风格非常靠近摇篮曲。

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时长 93
BPM 60
循环 No