How prices are set on 100Audio market?

100Audio has 5 kinds of music licenses with specific pricing as follows.


Music License 1





Currency UnitUS dollar

Music License 2





Music License 3





Music License 4





Music License 5






The price of all audio products on 100Audio is determined during the review process, including the actual duration of the audio, the quality, the complexity, the potential demand, and so on.

Why is there unified pricing?

If the musicians can set the price, there could be a large number of 10¢ low-quality music on 100Audio; if there is a lot of low-cost music, 100Audio will become a defective, fake market, where there is no longer quality music, but rather becomes a battlefield for prices. High-quality musicians will not be able to survive in this.

How is the audio product authorized?

100Audio has five kinds of price and authorization for every single item. Choose the proper license for your music (personal license, business license, unlimited license) to meet your project specific needs.
The length of music and comprehensive quality will also affect the price of music.
For example, when the basic price for a standard license is $50, you can find a shorter length of the same license cost $30 or a longer length of the same license cost $60.
In order to protect the rights and interests of all parties, after selling “music authorization 4 – business” and “music authorization 5 – unlimited” licenses, the vendor needs to sign a contract.

Music License 1 - Personal

$ 24 each


Five Months


Indie film&festival

Music License 2 - 


$ 84 each


One Year

Up to 100,000

audience size

Up to 10,000 copies

or downloads

Indie film&festival

Music License 3 - 


$ 108 each


Three Years

Up to 1 million

audience size

Up to 100,000 copies

or downloads

Indie film&festival


Music License 4 - 


$ 192 each



Up to 10 million

audience size

Up to 1 million copies

or downloads

online film

Music License 5 - 


$ 54each




audience size

Unlimited copies

or downloads


released film

How much income will you get?

When you sell music on 100Audio, every time the music is sold (one track can be sold many times), you get a commission share, and the non-exclusive, China-exclusive and exclusive musicians will have different proportions.
(Exclusive in China: Authorize 100Audio to sell your works exclusively in China (including mainland China, the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, the Macao Special Administrative Region and the Taiwan Region). That is, you can not authorize any other *Chinese* companies to sell your works.)

Non-Exclusive Authors 40%

Non-exclusive musicians share 40% of their income, for example, selling $ 100 (tax excluded) for music.

The money you get=($100 - 10.7%Poundage)*40%= $35.72

Basically, consider the fact that most buyers on 100Audio are in China, we have to abide by China tax laws. Which means that you will have 17% withheld from all China sales. Then according to China tax policy, there’s another income tax for individuals varies between 40% and 20%.

  • $35.72 Author
  • $53.58 100Audio
  • $10.70 Poundage

China-Exclusive Authors 55%

China-exclusive authors share 55% of their income, for example, selling $ 100 (tax excluded) for music.

The money you get = ($100 - 10.7%Poundage) * 55% = $49.12

Since most buyers on 100Audio are in China, we have to abide by China tax laws which means that you will have 17% withheld from all China sales. Also, according to China tax policy, there’s another income tax for individuals varies between 40% and 20%.

  • $49.12 Author
  • $40.18 100Audio
  • $10.70 Poundage

Fee: due to the cost of overseas expansion.

Note: After the sale of audio products 100Audio will produce the above costs. It will be listed here to ensure that each uploader will be informed. The change in this fee will depend on the third party if any changes will occur. The 100Audio website will change in case of a site update. Please upload with caution in case of a site update.

How to apply for exclusive musicians?

You can submit an application by submitting a form: application as a China-exclusive musician page.

Non-Exclusive Authors 40%

Non-exclusive musicians share 40% of their income, for example, selling $ 100 (tax excluded) for music.

The money you get=($100 - 10.7%Poundage)*40%= $35.72

Basically, consider the fact that most buyers on 100Audio are in China, we have to abide by China tax laws. Which means that you will have 17% withheld from all China sales. Then according to China tax policy, there’s another income tax for individuals varies between 40% and 20%.

  • $35.72 Author
  • $53.58 100Audio
  • $10.70 Poundage

China-Exclusive Authors 55%

China-exclusive authors share 55% of their income, for example, selling $ 100 (tax excluded) for music.

The money you get = ($100 - 10.7%Poundage) * 55% = $49.12

Since most buyers on 100Audio are in China, we have to abide by China tax laws which means that you will have 17% withheld from all China sales. Also, according to China tax policy, there’s another income tax for individuals varies between 40% and 20%.

  • $49.12 Author
  • $40.18 100Audio
  • $10.70 Poundage

Exclusive Authors 70%

Exclusive musicians share 70% of their income, for example, selling $ 100 (tax excluded) for music.

The money you get=($100 - 10.7%Poundage)*70%= $62.51

Basically, consider the fact that most buyers on 100Audio are in China, we have to abide by China tax laws. Which means that you will have 17% withheld from all China sales. Then according to China tax policy, there’s another income tax for individuals varies between 40% and 20%.

  • $62.51 Author
  • $26.79 100Audio
  • $10.70 Poundage

Fee: due to the cost of overseas expansion.

Note: After the sale of audio products 100Audio will produce the above costs. It will be listed here to ensure that each uploader will be informed. The change in this fee will depend on the third party if any changes will occur. The 100Audio website will change in case of a site update. Please upload with caution in case of a site update.

How to apply for exclusive musicians?

You can submit an application by submitting a form: application as a China-exclusive musician pageapplication as an exclusive musician page.

How is the commission system calculated?

100Audio guarantees that the commissions’ system is open and transparent. It is automatically settled without no human intervention!

When the work is sold, you will receive an email notification. While the music is being downloaded in the background, it will automatically calculate the commission income (tax inclusive), as shown below:

How do I apply for a settlement?

You can inform us by submitting the form for settlement.

All applications received from 16th of the previous month to 15th of this month will be accepted on the 20th of the month (on rest days or statutory holidays in China, they will be postponed to the next working day). For example, on September 20, we accept all applications received between August 16 and September 15. If you have any questions please contact