
‘Life Is So Good’ is a fulfilling, positive, uplifting, emotional and inspiring acoustic guitar song featuring strings and piano as the track builds dynamically. The time signature is 6/8.
This track is perfect for success stories, moving or emotional triumph videos, photo slideshows, motivational and inspiring videos, family movies, travelling adventures, weddings, Instagram/Facebook videos, commercials, sentimental videos or any media project that evokes feelings of hope, happiness and strength.
The ZIP folder contains three versions of this composition:
1. Life Is So Good (Full Version – 2:23)
2. Life Is So Good (Medium Edit – 1:32)
3. Life Is So Good (Short Edit – 0:58)
这是一首乐观,振奋,激动人心且鼓舞人心的原声吉他音乐,以弦乐和钢琴为特色,随着曲目构建变化。 是6/8拍。
此曲目非常适合成功故事,动人或情感胜利视频,照片幻灯片,激励和鼓舞人心的视频,家庭电影,旅行冒险,婚礼,Instagram / Facebook视频,商业广告,感伤视频或任何唤起希望,幸福感的媒体项目和力量。

您可点击 下载 按钮下载试听版,选定音乐后,可通过搜索数字ID或文件名966756Preview.mp3找到该产品。

时长 148
BPM 85
循环 No