Fun, weird and wacky music instrumental. This quirky uplifting track is a goofy combination of sounds that work in harmony to create something you can only describe as unusual. Complete with reverberated plonking sounds, a bouncy attitude and a quickening pace, this track would be the perfect addition to any silly walk, stupid scene, animation, Laurel and Hardy scenario or cartoon. Starting slowly, the track picks up momentum and speed which enhances the silly, foolish and peculiar feel, as it plays on the classic cartoon vibe we know and love.
有趣,奇怪、古怪的纯器乐音乐。 这首搞怪、振奋的音乐组合了蠢蠢的音效,和谐创造出非常独特的东西。 砰砰的回响声,活泼的态度和加快的节奏,这首曲子将是适用于任何傻气的走路,愚蠢的场景,卡通动画,老瑞和哈迪的场景。 慢慢的开始,曲子加快了动力和速度,增强了愚蠢,傻气和奇特的感觉,播放了我们熟悉和喜爱的经典卡通氛围。

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时长 20
BPM 151
循环 Yes